For the Parents
Parents are an integral part of the education process. We maintain an open approach to parental involvement and participation in Assumption Regional Catholic School. We are entrusted with these parents’ most precious gift from God. It is incumbent upon Assumption Regional Catholic School to provide a balanced educational environment which follows all guidelines of the Diocese of Camden, all of the guidelines of the State of New Jersey and, most importantly, all the guidelines of the life and teachings of Christ.
As a small private school, Assumption Regional Catholic School relies on fundraising as part of our budget. Tuition and parish subsidies cover a large part, but not all, of the expense of operating the school. So we rely on the fundraising efforts of our school families in addition to tuition in order to meet annual expenses. Each family is asked to help with fundraising . The whole school becomes stronger when we work together to reach fundraising goals, and we appreciate every family’s contribution.