At Assumption Regional Catholic School education is a joyful process of discovery, growth, and enlightenment. Students are encouraged to ask questions and search for answers; to share their ideas, opinions, and perspective; to think critically, creatively, and independently in the light of reason and truth; and to discern with their hearts, as well as their minds.
Assumption Regional Catholic School classes are characterized by the enthusiastic engagement of both students and teachers in the learning process. This energized learning environment is fostered by the quality of our faculty, the character of our students, and the simple principles upon which we base our instructional approach. These principles are as follows:
We expect students to be active, fully-engaged participants in their own education;
We expect students to be fully supportive, positive contributors to the shared learning experience within every classroom;
We expect students to be understanding and respectful of the achievements, experiences and perspectives of their teachers and peers; and
We expect students to be bold in reaching for academic challenge, knowing they can rely on the guidance of their teachers and the support of their peers.
Assumption Regional Catholic School encourages its students to pursue their special academic talents and interests in the hope that knowledge, diligently sought, will serve not only the individual well, but also God and others. Each student’s intellectual development should prepare him or her not only for high school and college, but also for life in a challenging world. The School seeks to develop in each student a breadth, as well as a depth of knowledge, to encourage in each student an appreciation for creative expression and aesthetic beauty, and to increase in each student an understanding of community and diversity within the human experience.
Literacy Skills
Students read a wide range of print and non-print texts from many periods in many genres and apply a wide range of strategies to comprehend, interpret, and evaluate texts.
Students adjust their use of spoken, written and visual language to communicate effectively with a variety of audiences for a variety of purposes.
Students apply knowledge of language structure, language conventions, media techniques, figurative language, and genre to create, critique and discuss print and non- print texts.
Students conduct research by generating ideas and questions, and by posing problems. They gather, evaluate, and synthesize data from a variety of sources to communicate their discoveries in ways to suit their audience and purpose.

Students develop and apply the basic skills necessary for obtaining information, solving problems, investigating, and communicating principals and theories of science.
Students develop and apply rational, creative, and critical thinking skills in all areas of science and technology across the curriculum
Students develop an appreciation of the nature of science by acquiring the skills necessary for a lifetime of continuous learning and adapting to change through the components of science instruction.

Students develop the ability to pose and solve mathematical problems in mathematics, other disciplines, and everyday experiences
Students develop reasoning ability and become self-reliant, independent mathematical thinkers.
Students regularly and routinely use calculators, computers, manipulatives and other mathematical tools to enhance mathematical thinking, understanding and power.
Students develop number sense and an ability to represent numbers in a variety of forms and use numbers in diverse situations.
Students develop spatial sense and an ability to use geometric properties and relationships to solve problems in mathematics and in everyday life.
Students develop an understanding of and use measurement to describe and analyze phenomena.
Students use a variety of estimation strategies and recognize situations where estimation is appropriate
Students develop an understanding of patterns, relationships and functions and use them to represent and explain real-world phenomena.
Students develop an understanding of statistics and probability and use them to describe sets of data, model situations, and support appropriate inferences and arguments.

Physical Science
Energy: heat, electrical, nuclear, light, sound, magnetic
Motion, machines, forces
Property and structure of matter, metric measurements
Earth Science
Space: stars, planets, universe and galaxies
Earth: oceanography, earth’s resources, rocks & minerals, plate tectonics, pollution, erosion
Weather: erosion, earth’s changing atmosphere
Life Science
Plants: biomes, classification, life processes, genetics/heredity, evolution/adaption
Animals: biomes, classification, life processes, body systems, genetics/heredity, evolution/adaptation
Human Body: Life processes, body systems, wellness, genetics/heredity, evolution/adaptation
Social Studies
Students learn democratic citizenship and how to participate in the constitutional system of government of the United States.
Students acquire historical understanding of political and diplomatic ideas and institutions, societal ideas, economic forces, ideas and institutions and varying cultures throughout the history of New Jersey, the United States, and the world.
Students acquire geographical understanding by studying the world in special terms, human systems in geography, the environment and society.

The young Catholic will be catechized to:
Understand God’s plan of loving goodness
Understand the Three Persons of the Blessed Trinity
Grow in their awareness of the experience of God through the gift of Faith
See the Church as a community of faith building God’s Kingdom
Integrate knowledge of the Communion of Saints
Embrace the Sacraments
Make moral decisions
Use a variety of prayer forms
Celebrate liturgical feasts and seasons using symbols and sacraments
Articulate the relationship between faith and culture
Apply the Law of Love in relationships and through service
Foster an appreciation of Judaism and other living faiths